Una cena in miniera – Sabato 22 marzo

30,00 per per­son

SABATO 22 mar­zo dal­le ore 19.30. Gui­ded night tour of the mine gal­le­ries fol­lo­wed by a din­ner with spe­cial­ties of Tuscan cui­si­ne. A one-of-a-kind eve­ning within the fasci­na­ting set­ting of the Museum whe­re histo­ry and taste meet to offer an unfor­get­ta­ble expe­rien­ce.

40 in stock

Number of tickets



Gui­ded tour and din­ner with Tuscan spe­cia­li­ties: cost € 30/person

  • 7.30 p.m. mee­ting at the mine secre­ta­riat;
  • fol­lo­wed by a pre­sen­ta­tion of the mine and a gui­ded tour of the gal­le­ries;
  • 8.30 p.m. din­ner in the for­mer mine offi­ces in coo­pe­ra­tion with the restau­rant “La ter­raz­za sul bor­go”.

Limi­ted sea­ts. Pay­ment can be made via Pay­Pal or Cre­dit Card.
Upon com­ple­tion of the pur­cha­se, a con­fir­ma­tion email will be sent, which must be prin­ted or pre­sen­ted in digi­tal for­mat upon entry.

Con­tent mis­sing