Open to the public with guiยญded tours only.
Adulยญts โฌ10 | Chilยญdren 6โ12 years โฌ7 | Chilยญdren under 6 years Free
Famiยญly discounยญts by applyยญing the proยญmoยญtioยญnal code that folยญloยญws in the shopยญping cart befoยญre payยญment::
- 2 adulยญts + 1 child 6โ12 years old โฌ25 โ Code:
- 2 adulยญts + 2 chilยญdren 6โ12 years โฌ31 โ Code:
- 2 adulยญts + 3 chilยญdren 6โ12 years โฌ37 โ Code:
Uniยญcoop Tirยญreยญno memยญbers can take advanยญtaยญge of discounยญted rates by enteยญring the proยญmoยญtioยญnal code in the cart: unicooptirreno
At the entranยญce it will be necesยญsaยญry to show the Coop memยญberยญship card togeยญther with the ticยญket.
Payยญment can be made via PayยญPal, creยญdit card or bank transยญfer.
A conยญfirยญmaยญtion email will be sent upon comยญpleยญtion of your purยญchaยญse and must be prinยญted or preยญsenยญted digiยญtalยญly at the time of entry.
Imporยญtant: In the case of a bank transยญfer, it is necesยญsaยญry to book at leaยญst 5 days in advanยญce so that it is posยญsiยญble to veriยญfy the creยญdit or send the bank transยญfer slip to the eโMail address: